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Tips for choosing a Nigerian traditional wedding attire

Great tips for choosing Nigerian traditional wedding attire; 1. What are the colours of the day? 2. What is your cultural outfit? 3. Accessories ...

How to choose nigerian traditional wedding attire


Weddings are special and eventful occasions in Nigeria. The joy of families during a wedding is second to none. Nigerian traditional weddings are usually colourful and beautiful. Choosing a great traditional wedding outfit can be challenging. When I was getting married, it was easier for me to choose my wedding outfit because I planned to follow some tips I will be sharing these tips in this article and I hope it helps you make informed decisions.

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 How to Select Nigerian Traditional Wedding attire

Below are a things to consider when choosing a traditional wedding outfit

1.       Colours of the day

nigerian traditional wedding attire

Whenever you are choosing your traditional wedding attire, keep the colour of the day in mind. Your outfit should match the colours of the day. This will make the wedding more colourful and the pictures taken will look beautiful with the decorations.


2.       Choose styles that accentuate your body type

I always emphasise the importance of wearing outfits that match your body type, especially on your big day. Brides want to look beautiful on their wedding day; many brides want to be the most beautiful on their wedding day. You can achieve that glamorous and beautiful look by wearing a dress meant for your body type.


3.       Don’t ignore your groom’s look

Nigerian traditional wedding

Your groom is part of your big day, the day is meant for both of you. Pay attention to your groom's outfit, style and overall look. Choose styles and outfits that complement yours and also prioritise colours that look good on both of you.

4.       What is your cultural outfit?

Nigeria is blessed with so many cultures and tribes. Therefore, consider your cultural wear and tailor your traditional wedding outfit in that direction. Different tribes have different outfits and accessories for a traditional wedding.

Nigerian traditional wedding; fulani bride
Fulani Bride in Fulani traditional outfit

Yoruba couple in yoruba traditional wedding outfit
Yoruba couple in yoruba traditional wedding outfit

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding igbo couple
Nigerian traditional wedding igbo couple

Be informed

5.       What fabric do you prefer?

Choosing a perfect outfit is as important as wearing comfortable fabrics. Whenever brides consult me for outfits, I usually advise them to choose comfort first. There are different fabrics in the Nigerian market that you can use for a traditional wedding. Whichever fabric you choose, make sure it is something you love and find comfortable. 

Different fabrics in Nigerian market 

6.       What type of headwear do you want?

Head wears and headgears are increasingly trendy. Creators are being innovative with designs, materials and styles. There is a range of fabrics used in tying headgear; silk, aso oke, Ankara, etc. Decide on the type of headgear you desire (some people prefer auto gele which is ready-made).


7.       Accessories and Jewelry

Accessories like shoes, purses, fans etc. are also important. You should choose colours that compliment your attire beautifully. Your jewelry should not overshadow your overall look.


8.       Aso Ebi ladies' outfit

What is a traditional wedding without aso ebi ladies and men? I believe their outfit is as important as yours. Choose beautiful outfits for your aso ebi ladies and also prioritise the quality of the material. There is a whole range of fabrics to choose from for the ladies. Don't forget to carry them along in your decision-making; it is your wedding but they are paying for the outfit.

Check out some lovely aso ebi ladies and bride combo

Nigerian bride and aso ebi ladies

Nigerian bride and aso ebi ladies

Nigerian bride and aso ebi ladies


9.       Parent outfit

Parent outfits are very important when planning a wedding. Don't forget you'll take pictures with your parents on your wedding day and you wouldn't want your outfits to contradict each other.


1   Consult social media for ideas, friends and relatives too

Consult social media for ideas when choosing a traditional wedding outfit. The internet is filled with so many ideas that can help you make informed decisions about styles and trends. Consult your friends also and people close to you for ideas. You may not necessarily do what they say but it gives you options.

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

Nigerian traditional wedding

In conclusion, your traditional wedding outfit doesn't have to be very complicated. Keep in mind that you want to be comfortable in your outfit on your big day.

Kindly consult me for lovely and beautiful fabrics.



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